Load a new scene (clears existing scene) |
Import a scene (does not clear existing scene) Brings up Add Data instead |
Save a scene |
Close a scene |
Undo the history of undoable commands, from last to first. |
Redo the history of undoable commands, from last to first. |
Set current module to "home" module for easy access. |
Toggles the display of Slicer's Edit Box. |
Display the Python console Displays the QT-real console |
Create a new fiducial list. |
Toggle between "Persistent Place" and "Transform View" interaction modes. |
Create a new Ruler measurement between the last two placed fiducials. |
Display error log. |
Interface documentation. |
Display the Application Settings Interface for customizing Slicer. |
Python Interactor. |
Extension Manager. |
Toggle Module Panel visible/invisible. |
Toggles the slice plane visibility in the main 3D Viewer |
Fits the slice view to the volume extents in the active Slice Viewer, or in all viewers if they are linked (the first non-none volume will be used in order of Background, Foreground and Label layers) |
Decrease visible slice in the active Slice Viewer (left or down) by one unit of background pixel spacing |
Increase visible slice in the active Slice Viewer (left or down) by one unit of background pixel spacing |
Navigate to next fiducial in the active Slice Viewer, or in all viewers if they are linked (back-tick is the left single-quote on the key with the tilde (~) character in the upper left side of the keyboard) |
Navigate to next fiducial in all Slice Viewers, independent of their linked state |
Navigate to the previous fiducial in the active Slice Viewer, or in all viewers if they are linked |
Navigate to the previous fiducial in all Slice Viewers, independent of their linked state |
Place a new fiducial in the active Slice Viewer(adds to the current fiducial list, or creates a list if there are none) |
When the mouse is hovering over a fiducial in the Slice Viewer (turning it yellow), delete that fiducial |
(on an existing point) Make a point current |
Make next point current |
Make previous point current |
(on an empty space) Add a point |
Remove and make next point current |
Remove and make previous point current |
Remove and make next point current |
Zoom in and out the view |
Multi-selection (blue points) |
+ |
(drag) Select points inside rubber band area |
Toggle point selection |
Toggle current point |
Select next/previous point |
+ |
Move selected points |
Expand selected points |
Contract selected points |
Source: slicer.org
What is your favorite 3D Slicer 4 hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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