… to |
Selects the next merc in the current squad. Use depends on option 'Space selects next squad' |
Selects next squad |
Selects all mercs in the current sector |
Switch to dynamic squad number in sector |
Centre on currently selected merc |
Keep the screen in view on the selected merc during turn-based |
Selects previous / next merc |
Select first / last merc in list |
Selects all members of that squad number. Same as right clicking on the "SQUAD" textbox |
Select all members of squads 11 through 20 |
Hold Ctrl while selecting mercs to add more mercs to selection group |
Hold Shift while selecting mercs to select a region of mercs |
SHIFT - In Movement Mode, SHIFT makes a merc’s movement path visible. It also forces the cursor to HUG the ground, very handy in tight quarters (e.g. doors / other mercs in the way of cursor) |
ALT + SHIFT - Used for jumping over small obstacles. Hold ALT + SHIFT and point at a tile (2 or 3 tiles away from merc). Cursor will change to indicate jumping is possible. Useful for jumping over mines, from roof to roof or over another merc if he is prone |
ALT - While moving a merc, holding down ALT makes: |
STANDING merc will sidestep or back-up,
CROUCHING merc will back-up,
PRONE merc will roll to the side or back-up.
Look / Turn cursor. Change merc’s facing / Raise weapon if looking at the same direction. Note that some bonuses like scope vision range bonus only apply when a weapon is raised |
or | |||
or | |||
Cycle through stances. Standing next to (or on) a building with a flat roof will cause the merc to climb onto/off the roof |
PRONE stance |
CROUCH stance |
STANDING stance |
RUN mode |
Before an obstacle / climb / drop off roof with selected merc |
Jumps through window (merc must be facing the window, and there must be a free tile on the other side of the window). Closed window works as well |
Toggles selected mercs to move in formation |
On merc / NPC, exchanges position with character |
Activate / Disable STEALTH mode for selected merc(s) |
Activate / Disable STEALTH mode for the entire squad |
Toggle real-time sneaking |
Enter turn based (while sneaking in real-time) |
Toggle forced turn-based mode |
Abort action (such as movement, firing or first aid) |
Hold to bring up the HAND cursor |
Auto-Bandage your mercs when no enemy in sector |
Toggles BURST / AUTO / Underbarrel mode for primary hand |
Toggles between a gun's different scopes / sights / alternative weapon holding (if a gun has variable scope / sight attached) |
Increase aiming in BURST / AUTO fire (for non-mouse wheel) |
Open menu - fill water, clean weapons, swap clothes etc. |
Open skills menu - e.g. radio operator, spotter |
Switch between standard/higher Grenade Launcher angles. Higher angles enable you to launch grenades farther |
Toggle cursor for the Grenade Launcher burst between standard toss cursor and burst cursor, allowing spread grenade burst |
Reload selected merc's weapon |
Reload all weapons (in hand) of active squad from mercs' inventory in turn-based. For real-time, reloads all weapons and fills magazines in squad inventory from sector inventory (if available) first SHIFT + Q - Drop primary hand item to ground |
Swaps between primary hand and secondary hand |
Swaps weapons between gunsling and primary hand |
Equip sidearm/Swap sidearm with gunsling |
Equip knife/Swap knife with gunsling |
Quick access to predefined items in JA2_Options.INI [Tactical Interface Settings] |
Advertisement |
Put quick access item back to inventory and swap hands |
Quick item transformation for primary hand item |
Toggles NVGs/sun goggles for all mercs in active team. Goggles in the day, NVG for night |
Drops backpacks for all mercs in the current sector (NIV only) |
Plant tripwire using the previous network settings |
Create ammo boxes using all ammo found in sector |
Create ammo crates using all ammo found in sector |
Remove all removable attachments from items and unload all weapons in sector |
Sorts items in sector inventory. Also merges ammo items. |
Pickup all dropped backpacks (NIV only), then automatically perform both SHIFT + F and SHIFT + S hotkeys |
Merge all mergable items while stacking and sorting. This means medkits, toolkits, canteens, gas cans, first aid kits, ammo etc. |
Move all items in sector to location of selected merc |
Map Screen |
Options Screen |
Context-sensitive Help Screen |
Done / End turn in turn-based combat mode / Activate turn-based when in real-time mode |
Skip player's interrupts for that turn (for single player & old interrupt system) |
Toggle between TEAM and INVENTORY panels |
Move selected merc to the left / right in merc panel |
Cyclethrough all enemies seen by the selected merc |
Cycle through all enemies team knows |
Cycle through targets that overlap on the screen |
Toggle cursor level between ground / upper level |
Display info about a given tile, relative to the selected merc |
Displays soldier info on mouse cursor |
Displays overhead sector view |
Toggle 3D cursor |
Next tab in Enhanced Description Box |
Toggles Treetops on and off |
Toggles merc artificial lights at night |
Toggles glowing Items on and off |
Toggle building Wireframes |
Toggle between red and white glowing objects |
Open the KEYS panel |
Shows game version, difficulty level, progress etc. |
Hold down to increase scrolling speed |
Speeds up the game. Useful for speeding up long enemy turns. Can be reassigned in JA2_Options.INI [Clock Settings] |
Skip current dialogue (if any) |
Pause the game |
Show COVER spots relative to seen enemies |
Show LINE OF SIGHT of selected merc |
Toggle COVER display |
Toggle LINE OF SIGHT display |
Open COVER display / TRAP display menu |
Open Sector Inventory manipulations menu |
Toggle Display of nearby planted BOMBS / MINES / TRIPWIRE when the selected merc has a metal detector in his hand |
Toggle between different Display of BOMBS / MINES / TRIPWIRE planted by own team: |
TRAP NETWORK display: mines are red, tripwire is yellow, tiles with both tripwire and mines are orange
NETWORK COLOURING display: network A is red, network B is orange, network C is yellow and network D is green
A, B, C, D TRAP display: only tripwire of this network is displayed Hierarchy: 1 is green, 2 is yellow, 3 is orange, 4 is red
NO TRAP display (default mode)
Locks / Release the mouse cursor inside game window. Useful for mouse scrolling and tactical traversing (windowed mode only) |
(portrait / figure) - Select merc / move screen to merc |
(portrait) - Centre screen on merc (if not visible) / show merc's location (if visible) |
(figure) - Adds / deselects merc to selection |
Toggle current action (depending on item-in-hand) / Hold right mouse button (figure) Change merc's assignment / Hold right mouse button (other tile) Show Action menu / (radarmap) Displays overhead sector view |
Left mouse button and Drag - Select multiple mercs (selection cursor) / Spread gunfire (targeting cursor with in BURST / AUTO) / Change stance (figure and drag up or down) / Scale obstacle (figure and drag up) |
+ |
Hold left mouse button, right mouse button, Release left mouse button - Order all mercs of selected squad to move to location in real-time mode |
+ |
Hold left mouse button, Click right mouse button - Switch movement modes in turn-based mode. Useful for showing the associated AP costs without changing stance |
Hold SHIFT to pick up stacked items, instead of single item (works in Strategic Map and Sector Inventory as well) |
Auto-attach/merge with item-in-cursor to applicable item (works in Strategic Map and Sector Inventory as well) |
Swap valid attachment item with item-in-cursor instead of opening description box (works in Strategic Map as well) |
On a loaded gun to unload magazine to cursor, skipping hassle of opening description box (works in the Strategic Map as well) |
On a stack of items to display the first item’s description box, skipping item selection window (works in Strategic Map and Sector Inventory as well) |
Selects next/previous merc |
Changes stance in Movement mode / Add / subtract bullets when in auto fire |
Look / Turn (same as 'L' hotkey) |
Changes firing mode (SINGLE / BURST / AUTO, same as 'B' hotkey) |
mousebutton4 |
Toggle STEALTH mode (same as 'Z' hotkey) |
Reload selected merc's weapon |
mousebutton5 |
Toggle cursor level between ground / upper level (same as 'Tab' hotkey) |
Before an obstacle / climb / drop off roof with selected merc (same as 'J' hotkey) |
Enter highlighted sector |
Speed up / slow down Time Compression |
Toggles between Pause and last mode of Time Compression |
Hold Shift to plot the most direct travel route (instead of fastest) |
Enter / Exit merc / vehicle inventory |
Auto-move first item in slot to Sector Inventory |
Auto-move all items in slot to Sector Inventory |
Displays next tab in Enhanced Description Box |
Up / Down one sublevel |
Assign / remove 5 in Militia Assignment window |
Assign / remove all in Militia Assignment window |
What is your favorite Jagged Alliance 2 (version 1.13) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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