Movement |
Use items or open doors |
Toggle automap |
Toggle map follow mode |
Run |
Auto run |
Strafe |
Strafe left |
Strafe right |
Select weapon |
Fire the selected weapon's primary fire |
Fire the selected weapon's alternate fire |
Weapon jab |
Jump |
Crouch |
Look up |
Look down |
Aim up |
Aim down |
Turn around |
Cycle through inventory items |
Use selected inventory item |
Use Beast Vision* |
Use Crystal Ball* |
Use Jump Boots* |
Use Doctor's Bag* |
Use Proximity Bomb* |
Use Remote Detonator* |
*Assumes that you have this item in your inventory.
What is your favorite Blood hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
Options > Controls (the top option) > Configure keys.
1088388 169
488688 8
406498 371
350261 6
297032 5
269907 32
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
14 hours ago
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