Restert, running as Administrator |
Open file/folder |
Open with |
Run .exe as Administrator |
Run .exe with parameters |
Open parent folder |
Toggle columns on/off in standart layout |
Open previous path |
or mousebutton4 | |||
Open next path |
or mousebutton5 | |||
Edit path |
(if no file is selected) Copy current path to clipboard |
(\ to edit Path and then regular copy) Copy current path to clipboard |
Context menu |
Context menu with additional options |
Rename |
Copy file to other Browser |
Duplicate single file |
Duplicate one or many files |
Delete file |
(not available yet) Delete file without sending it to Recycle Bin |
(not available yet) Delete permanently (unrecoverable) |
File information/properties |
Tag files (color) |
View long file names (toggle) |
New File |
New File containing Clipboard contents |
A new .txt file will be created if Clipboard contains text, .png if it contains bitmap image.
New Folder |
... create and open |
... create and move selected files inside (files need to be selected first) |
New Note |
New Tab (duplicate of Current Tab) |
New Tab from path in Clipboard |
Open Folder in new Tab |
Close Tab |
or | |||
Next Tab |
Previous Tab |
Move Tab to other Browser Pane |
Select all |
Select additional Files |
Select range |
+ + |
(drag) Window selection |
Call One Commander (system shortcut) |
Call One Commander and dock to bottom of screen |
Center on main display |
Minimize or restore from Maximized |
Maximize or restore from Minimized |
Show Notification Pane |
Reload/Refresh Columns |
Show/hide hidden files and folders |
Toggle columns resizing/not resizing in Columns Layout |
Reload Theme |
Search |
Quick Filter |
Clear Quick Filter |
Open Terminal (CMD/Powershell) in Current Folder |
Open Terminal (CMD/Powershell) as Administrator |
What is your favorite One Commander 3 hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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