Shortcuts for the Windows version of Lightroom are here.
Show/hide side panels |
Show/hide all panels |
Show/hide toolbar |
Show/hide Module Picker |
Show/hide Filmstrip |
Show/hide left panels |
Show/hide right panels |
(click a panel) Toggle solo mode |
(click a panel) Open a new panel without closing soloed panel |
(click a panel) Open/close all panels |
… to |
Open/close right panels, Library and Develop modules, top to bottom |
… to |
Go to Library module |
Go to Develop module |
Go to Slideshow module |
Go to Print module |
Go to Web module |
Go back / go forward |
Go back to previous module |
Enter Library Loupe view |
Enter Library Grid view |
Enter Library Compare view |
Enter Library Survey view |
Open selected photo in the Develop module |
Cycle forward / backward through Lights Out modes |
Toggle Lights Dim mode |
Cycle screen modes |
Previous screen mode |
Switch between Normal and full-screen, hide panels |
Go to Normal screen mode |
Cycle info overlay |
Show/hide info overlay |
Note: The shortcuts for using the secondary window are the same as the equivalent shortcuts in the Library module, with the Shift key added.
Open secondary window |
Enter Grid view |
Enter normal Loupe view |
Enter locked Loupe view |
Enter Compare view |
Enter Survey view |
Enter Slideshow view |
Enter full-screen mode (requires a second monitor) |
Show/hide Filter bar |
Zoom in / zoom out |
Import photos from disk |
Open catalog |
Open Preferences |
Open Catalog Settings |
Create new subfolder (segmented tethered capture) |
Hide/show tether capture bar |
Create a new folder in the Library module |
Create virtual copy (Library and Develop module only) |
Advertisement |
Show in Explorer/Finder (Library and Develop module only) |
Go to previous/next photo in the Filmstrip |
Select multiple folders or collections (in Library, Slideshow, Print, and Web modules) |
Rename photo (in Library module) |
Delete selected photo(s) |
Remove selected photo(s) from catalog |
Delete selected photo(s) and move to Recycling Bin (Windows) or Trash (Mac OS) |
Delete rejected photo(s) |
Edit in Photoshop |
Open in other editor |
Export selected photo(s) |
Export with previous settings |
Open plug-in manager |
Print selected photo |
Open Page Setup dialog box |
Switch to Loupe view |
Switch to Grid view |
Switch to Compare view |
Switch to Survey view |
Switch from Grid to Loupe view |
Swap select and candidate photos in Compare view |
Make next photos select and candidate in Compare view |
Toggle Zoom view |
Zoom in / zoom out in Loupe view |
Scroll up/down zoomed photo in Loupe view (also works in Develop and Web modules) |
Go to beginning/end of Grid view |
Play impromptu slide show |
Rotate photo right (clockwise) |
Rotate photo left (counterclockwise) |
Increase/decrease Grid thumbnail size |
Scroll up/down Grid thumbnails |
Toggle cell extras |
Show/hide badges |
Cycle Grid views |
Open Library view options |
Select multiple discrete photos |
Select multiple contiguous photos |
Select all photos |
Deselect all photos |
Select only active photo |
Deselect active photo |
Add previous/next photo to selection |
Select flagged photos |
Deselect unflagged photos |
Group into stack |
Unstack |
Toggle stack |
Move to top of stack |
Move up in stack |
Move down in stack |
… to |
… to |
Remove star rating |
Remove star rating and go to next photo |
Increase/decrease rating by one star |
Assign a red label |
Assign a yellow label |
Assign a green label |
Assign a blue label |
… to |
Flag photo as a pick |
Flag photo as a pick and go to next photo |
Flag photo as a reject |
Flag photo as a reject and go to next photo |
Unflag photo |
Unflag photo and go to next photo |
Increase/decrease flag status |
Cycle flag settings |
Refine photos |
Show/hide Library Filter bar |
(click filter labels) Open multiple filters in the Filter bar |
Toggle filters on/off |
Find photo in the Library module |
Create a new collection in the Library module |
Add to Quick Collection |
Add to Quick Collection and go to next photo |
Show Quick Collection |
Save Quick Collection |
What is your favorite Adobe Lightroom Classic (Mac) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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359683 6
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