Insert Audio track |
Insert MIDI track |
Show Track view |
Show/hide Control Bar |
Expand/collapse Control Bar |
Show/hide Inspector |
Show/hide Clip Properties Inspector |
Show/hide Track Properties Inspector |
Show/hide ProChannel |
Show/hide Browser |
Expand/collapse MultiDock |
Maximize/restore MultiDock |
Close current floating window |
Show Tools HUD |
Show AudioSnap Palette |
Zoom in horizontally |
Zoom out horizontally |
Full Screen mode on/off |
X-Ray on/off |
X-Ray all effect/synth plug-ins |
Preferences |
Cut |
Cut Special |
Copy |
Copy Special |
Paste |
Paste Special |
Online Help |
File > New |
File > Open |
File > Save |
File > Print |
Edit > Undo |
Edit > Redo |
Edit > Select > All |
Edit > Select > None |
Edit > Cut |
Edit > Cut Special |
Edit > Copy |
Edit > Copy Special |
Edit > Paste |
Edit > Paste Special |
Project > Insert Marker |
View Undo (zoom) |
View Redo (zoom) |
Control Bar |
Inspector |
Browser |
Track view |
Console view |
Piano Roll view |
Step Sequencer |
Matrix view |
Advertisement |
Staff view |
Loop Construction view |
Event List view |
Synth Rack view |
Virtual Computer Keyboard |
Lyrics view |
Video view |
Big Time view |
Markers view |
Tempo view |
Meter/Key view |
Sysx view |
Navigator view |
Surround Panner |
Virtual Piano Keyboard |
Show Track view |
Insert new track |
Insert Audio track |
Insert MIDI track |
Show/hide Add Track menu |
Show/hide Bus pane |
Show/hide Video Thumbnail pane |
Show/hide Navigator pane |
Show/hide Aim Assist line |
Resize all tracks vertically to fit in window |
Resize and zoom tracks to see entire project |
Show and fit selection |
Fit content |
Manage track visibility |
Show only selected tracks |
Hide selected tracks |
Show all tracks |
Open/Close current Track Folder |
Expand/Collapse Take lanes for current track |
Expand/Collapse Automation lanes for current track |
Insert new Automation lane in current track |
Zoom in horizontally |
Zoom out horizontally |
Zoom all tracks in vertically |
Zoom all tracks out vertically |
Zoom out on all audio waveforms |
Zoom in on current track’s audio waveforms |
Zoom out on current track’s audio waveforms |
Zoom current track in vertically |
Zoom current track out vertically |
Zoom in on all audio waveforms and MIDI notes |
Increase current track height |
Decrease current track height |
Scale audio waveform in all audio tracks and MIDI notes in all MIDI tracks |
Scale audio waveform in current audio track or scale MIDI notes in current MIDI track |
Put focus in Track pane |
Put focus in Bus pane |
Solo/unsolo current track |
Select current track |
Clear selection |
Open Patch Browser for current MIDI track |
Close project |
Toggle current track’s Edit Filter between Track Volume and last/previous data type |
Cut Special |
Copy Special |
Select and audition previous Take lane |
Select and audition next Take lane |
Go to next audio transient or MIDI note in selected tracks (or current track if there is no selection) |
Go to previous audio transient or MIDI note in selected tracks (or current track if there is no selection) |
Reset all meters |
Record |
Step Record on/off |
Rewind to Landmarks |
Play/Stop |
Stop with Now marker |
Toggle ‘On stop, rewind to Now marker’ on/off |
Audition selection |
Go to Start (RTZ) |
Go to End |
Go to time |
Go to a specific marker |
Go to selection start (From time) |
Go to next marker |
Go to previous marker |
Record metronome on/off |
Playback metronome on/off |
Open Metronome settings |
Loop on/off |
Set Measure/Beat at Now time |
Record |
Step Record on/off |
Arm all tracks for recording |
What is your favorite Cakewalk by Bandlab hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
1073051 169
483149 7
402208 371
339293 6
288711 5
266207 31
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