Pan up |
Pan down |
Pan left |
Pan right |
Dig |
Mop |
Clear |
Disinfect |
Attack |
Capture |
Harvest |
Empty Pipe |
Prioritize |
Toggle screenshot mode |
Cancel building |
Deconstruct building |
Cycle speed |
Camera home |
Plan 1 - 10 |
Plan 11 |
Plan 12 |
Plan 13 |
Plan 14 |
Copy building |
… to |
Overlay 12 |
Overlay 13 |
Overlay 14 |
Overlay 15 |
Speed up |
Slow down |
Pause / Resume |
Zoom in |
Zoom out |
Set user nav. 1 - 10 |
Go to user nav. 1 - 10 |
Debug hotkeys are only available when the Debug Mode is active.
Toggle Profiler |
Advertisement |
Toggle Chrome Profiler |
Debug Game Step |
Debug Toggle Personal Priority Comparison |
ScreenShot1x |
ScreenShot2x |
ScreenShot8x |
ScreenShot32x |
Debug Lock Cursor |
Debug Next Call |
Debug Notification Message |
Debug Dump Garbage References |
Debug Crash Sim |
Debug Toggle UI |
Debug Force Light Everywhere |
Debug Collect Garbage |
Debug Invincible |
Debug Sim Step |
Debug Refresh Nav Cell |
Debug Path Finding |
Debug Teleport |
Debug Toggle SelectIn Editor |
Debug Notification |
Debug Super Speed |
Debug Toggle |
Debug Dump GC Roots |
Debug Dump Scene Paritioner Leak Data |
Debug Dump Event Data |
Debug Trigger Exception |
Debug Spawn Minion |
Debug Place |
Debug Instant Build Mode |
Debug Slow Test Mode |
Debug Dig |
Debug Explosion |
Debug Discover All Elements |
Debug Toggle Music |
Debug Go to Target |
Debug Select Material |
Debug Trigger Error |
Debug Focus |
Debug Ultra Test Mode |
Debug Visual Test |
Debug Element Test |
Debug River Test |
Debug Tile Test |
What is your favorite Oxygen Not Included (PC) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
1098606 169
493800 8
409256 371
359110 6
302586 5
273321 38
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