Refresh the document |
Note: This is useful if, for any reason, you have lost connection with the target server. It ensures model links are refreshed and also, if the CmpLib is referencing a Component Template, it allows the data defined in that template to be brought in again, which is very helpful if you have inadvertently cleared content from read-only cells!
Restore the current document to its state previous to the last operation. Multiple levels of undo are supported |
Restore changes made by the Undo feature in the current document. Multiple levels of Redo are supported |
Single Component Editing Mode
Opens the Manufacturer Part Search dialog in order to search for components and add supplier information to a component. |
Refresh the component editor |
Clear the contents of the Name or Description field |
Copy the content of the Name or Description field onto the clipboard |
Paste content from the clipboard into the Name or Description field |
Clear the selected output(s) from the current Output Job Configuration file and copy them to the OutputJob Editor's clipboard |
Clear the selected output container, or print job, from the current Output Job Configuration file and copy it to the OutputJob Editor's clipboard |
Copy the selected output(s) from the current Output Job Configuration file to the OutputJob Editor's clipboard |
Copy the selected output container, or print job, from the current Output Job Configuration file to the OutputJob Editor's clipboard |
Place the contents of the OutputJob Editor's clipboard into the active Output Job Configuration file |
Place the output container/print job from the OutputJob Editor's clipboard, into the relevant output media section of the active Output Job Configuration file |
Make an identical copy (duplicate) of the selected output |
Remove the selected output(s) |
Remove the selected output container or print job |
+ |
One or more selected applicable (printable) outputs into the Hard Copy region to create a new Print Job. The output(s) will automatically be linked |
+ |
One or more selected applicable outputs into the Output Containers region to create a new PDF output container. The output(s) will automatically be linked |
+ |
One or more selected PCB3D Video outputs into the Output Containers region to create a new Video output container. The output(s) will automatically be linked |
+ |
One or more selected applicable outputs into the Output Containers region to create a new Folder Structure output container. The output(s) will automatically be linked |
Launch the associated dialog (where available) for the selected output in which you can define exactly how, and what, you wish to be generated |
Enable all selected outputs connecting them to the currently selected output container or print job |
Disable all selected outputs disconnecting them from the currently selected output container or print job |
Configure the properties of the currently selected output container or print job |
Generate the outputs that are enabled and linked to the selected print job |
Generate the outputs that are enabled and linked to the selected PDF output container |
Generate the outputs that are enabled and linked to the selected Video output container |
Generate the outputs that are enabled and linked to the selected Folder Structure output container |
Print the currently active Draftsman document |
Restore the active Draftsman document to its state previous to the last operation. Multiple levels of undo are supported |
Restore changes made by the Undo feature in the active Draftsman document. Multiple levels of redo are supported |
Clear the selected object(s) from the active Draftsman document and copy them to the Draftsman Editor's clipboard |
Copy the selected object(s) from the active Draftsman document to the Draftsman Editor's clipboard |
Place the last content cut/copied to the Draftsman Editor's clipboard into any open Draftsman document |
Remove the selected object(s) from the active Draftsman document |
Select all objects on the active Draftsman document |
Change the view in the main design window so that the active Draftsman document is made completely visible (where possible) |
Note: If the document contains multiple sheets, fitting the entire document into view especially if there are a great many sheets, may not be possible. In this case, the software will attempt to fit what it can with the center of the document at the center of the main design window.
Toggle between the use of Imperial and Metric measurement units for the active Draftsman document |
Toggle the snapping functionality on or off for the active Draftsman document |
Toggle the display of the Properties panel accordingly |
Print the currently active multi-board schematic document |
Restore the active Multi-board document to its state previous to the last operation. Multiple levels of undo are supported |
Restore changes made by the Undo feature in the active Multi-board document. Multiple levels of redo are supported |
Clear the selected object(s) from the active Multi-board document and copy them to the Multi-board Editor's clipboard |
Copy the selected object(s) from the active Multi-board document to the Multi-board Editor's clipboard |
Place the last content cut/copied to the Multi-board Editor's clipboard into any open Multi-board document |
Enter editing mode for the currently selected part (PCB) in the active Multi-board Assembly document |
Check for collisions between the various constituent entities of the multi-board assembly |
Measure distances between 3D bodies in the active Multi-board Assembly document |
Remove the selected object(s) from the active Multi-board document |
Advertisement |
Toggle between the use of Imperial and Metric measurement units for the active Multi-board document |
Toggle the snapping functionality on or off for the active Multi-board document |
Toggle the display of the Properties panel accordingly |
Restore the current document to its state previous to the last operation. Multiple levels of undo are supported |
Restore changes made by the Undo feature in the current document. Multiple levels of Redo are supported |
Clear the selected object(s) from the current document and copy them to the CAMtastic Editor's clipboard |
Copy the selected object(s) from the current document to the CAMtastic Editor's clipboard |
Paste the contents of the CAMtastic Editor's internal clipboard into a CAM document |
Mirror selected objects about a defined mirror line on the current document |
Rotate selected objects about a specified rotation 'base' point in the current document |
Align layers in the current document based on chosen layer objects |
Create a new layer by merging existing layers in the current document |
Select design objects within a user-defined area. The objects do not have to be wholly inside the defined boundaries of the area |
Reselect the objects that were part of the previous selection |
Select objects in the workspace one at a time |
Toggle the Flash/Point selection mode On or OFF |
Toggle the Draws selection mode On or OFF |
Copy selected objects and place them in a defined array within the current document |
Change the shape and/or layer for selected objects in the current document |
Set a new origin point for the current document |
Scale selected objects in the current document based on a specified base point and scale factor |
Display all objects on all enabled layers in the current document |
Redefine the display area about a specified point in the current document |
Bring the design closer to you relative to the cursor position in the current document |
Move the design away from you relative to the cursor position in the current document |
Return the display to the previous view of the screen in the current document |
Refresh the workspace, in effect performing a redraw of the current document to remove any undesired drawing update effects |
Control the panning action in the current document dynamically using the mouse |
View and highlight all objects drawn with the current Dcode |
Toggle the display of the Extents Box. This box is used to display the drawing extents within the main design workspace |
Toggle the view of the current document between active fill and outline sketch modes |
Toggle the highlighting of objects based on the current Dcode. In this way, you can interrogate exactly wit which objects a particular Dcode is associated |
Toggle the display of the current document between Negative and Standard views |
Toggle translucent display mode ON or OFF. This mode displays objects in the current document with a transparent effect, allowing you to see objects partially or entirely overlapped by other objects |
Toggle the display of the current film box |
Access the CAM Editor - Drawing Modes page of the Preferences dialog |
Converts a closed polyline to a solid polygon |
Converts a closed polyline to a CutOut polygon |
Converts a closed polyline to a solid polygon region |
Obtain information with respect to a single selected object in the current document |
Obtain information with respect to a single selected net in the current document |
Measure and display the distance between any two points in the current document |
Access the Edit Apertures dialog in which you can create new aperture shapes and edit, or delete, existing ones |
Access the Set Layers OFF dialog in which you can specify which layers you wish to turn OFF |
Access the Set Layers ON dialog in which you can specify which layers you wish to turn ON |
Toggle between the Off snap mode and the previously selected snap mode (other than Off) |
Cancel the current command |
Note: If the current command uses a dialog at any stage, this feature will only cancel out of the dialog. You will need to use the feature again to completely abort the command.
Change the display of the main design window to show the current film box and its contents |
Delete selected objects from the current document |
Change the current layer for the design to the next layer in the Layers list |
Change the current layer for the design to the previous layer in the Layers list |
Change the current layer for the design to the next signal layer in the Layers list |
Execute the current function after all required objects involved in the function have been selected |
Presents all open design documents in their own individually-tiled regions within the main application design window |
Repeat the previous placement/editing command |
Set the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) step values - for the Snap Grid - simultaneously to a chosen value |
Sub menu shortcuts
Open the Circle sub-menu |
Open the Toolbars sub-menu |
Open a pop-up menu with snap grid commands |
Open the Import sub-menu |
Open the Objects sub-menu |
Open the Selection sub-menu |
Open the Export sub-menu |
Open a pop-up menu with zoom commands |
Clear the selected waveform from the Waveform Analysis window and copy it to the SimData Editor's internal clipboard |
Copy the selected waveform from the Waveform Analysis window to the SimData Editor's internal clipboard |
Used to restore the active SimData Editor to its state previous to the last operation |
Used to restore changes made by the Undo feature, in the active SimData Editor |
Place the current contents of the SimData Editor's internal clipboard into a new or existing wave plot of the current chart in the Waveform Analysis window |
Used to clear any filtering that is currently applied to the active document |
Use to select all contents in the SimData Editor |
Use to quickly find specific or partial text in accordance with defined search options |
Use to find the next occurrence of the last text search that was specified |
Clear all waveforms from the active wave plot in the Waveform Analysis window |
Fit all waveforms in the current chart, in their entirety within the Waveform Analysis window |
Refresh the screen, in effect performing a redraw of the active simulation analysis chart to remove any undesired drawing update effects |
Clear the existing waveform filter that is currently being applied in the active analysis chart |
Scroll vertically-upwards through the data in the active simulation analysis chart one wave plot at a time |
Scroll vertically-downwards through the data in the active simulation analysis chart one wave plot at a time |
What is your favorite Altium Designer hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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