Zooms to view all objects in the Scene View. |
Zooms to magnify all selected objects in the Scene View. |
Takes you to Home view. This keyboard shortcut only applies to the Scene View windows. This means it will only work when this window has focus. |
Deselects everything. |
Used to modify the middle mouse button actions. |
Turns the keytips on or off. |
Closes the currently active dockable window when it is undocked, or exits the application if the main application window is active. |
Turns on Turntable mode. |
Turns on Select mode. |
Turns on Walk mode. |
Turns on Look Around mode. |
Turns on Zoom mode. |
Turns on Zoom Window mode. |
Turns on Pan mode. |
Turns on Orbit mode. |
Turns on Free Orbit mode. |
Turns on Fly mode. |
Displays the Append dialog box. |
Toggles Collision mode. You must be in appropriate navigation mode (that is, Walk or Fly) for this keyboard shortcut to work. |
Displays the Quick Find dialog box. |
Toggles Gravity mode. |
Toggles Hidden mode for selected items. |
Displays the Insert From File dialog box. |
Displays the Merge dialog box. |
Resets the program, closes the currently open Autodesk Navisworks file, and creates a new file. |
Displays the Open dialog box. |
Displays the Print dialog box. |
Toggles Require mode for selected items. |
Saves the currently open Autodesk Navisworks file. |
Toggles Third Person mode. |
Reverses the last operation performed by the Undo command. |
Reverses the last performed operation. |
Displays the previous sheet. |
Displays the next sheet. |
Opens the Help system. |
Opens the Clash Detective window. This feature is available for Autodesk Navisworks Manage users only. |
Toggles the TimeLiner window. |
Toggles the TimeLiner Playback window. |
Toggles the docking window for the currently active graphics system (i.e. the Autodesk Rendering window ). |
Toggles the Animator window. |
Toggles the Scripter window. |
Toggles the Tilt window. |
Toggles the Quantification Workbook window. |
Toggles the Plan View window. |
Toggles the Section View window. |
Toggles the Saved Viewpoints window. |
Toggles the Selection Tree window. |
Dollies and pans the camera so that the entire model is in view. |
Play selected animation. |
Reverse Play selected animation. |
Record viewpoint animation. |
Stop playing animation. |
Pause playing animation. |
Opens the Animation Export dialog box. |
Opens the Export dialog box and enables you to export current search. |
Opens the Image Export dialog box. |
Opens the Export Rendered Image dialog box. |
Opens the Export dialog box and enables you to export search sets. |
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Opens the Export dialog box and enables you to export the current TimeLiner schedule. |
Opens the Export dialog box and enables you to export viewpoints. |
Opens the Export dialog box and enables you to export viewpoint report. |
Sets current view as Home. |
Sets current view as Front. |
Arrow Takes you to the previous redline tag. |
Arrow Takes you to the next redline tag. |
Takes you to the first redline tag. |
Takes you to the last redline tag. |
Opens the Help system. |
Renames the selected item, when appropriate. |
Repeats the previously run Quick Find search. |
Refreshes your scene with the latest versions of currently loaded model files. |
Toggles Full Screen mode. |
Opens the Options Editor. |
Opens the last used SteeringWheel. |
Enables you to get context-sensitive help. |
Toggles the Sets window. |
Toggles the Find Items window. |
Toggles the Find Comments window. |
Toggles the Comments window. |
Toggles the Properties window. |
Opens a context menu. |
Opens the File Options dialog box. |
Cancels the current edits. |
Starts editing the selected field. |
ARROW Moves the selection to the next right field, unless the current field is in a tree column that can be expanded. In this case, it expands the row. |
ARROW Moves the selection to the next left field, unless the current field is in a tree column that can be expanded. In this case, it expands the row. |
Selects the row above/below the current row |
Extends the selection to the row above/below the current row. |
Moves the current row up/down without changing selection. |
Selects the first row. |
Extends the selection from the selection anchor to the first row. |
Moves the current row to the first row without changing selection. |
Adds the rows from the current row to the first row to the selection. |
Selects the last row. |
Extends the selection from the selection anchor to the end. |
Moves the current row to the last row without changing selection. |
Adds the rows from the current row to the last row to the selection. |
Selects the row one page above/below the current row. |
Extends the selection one page up/down. |
Moves the current row one page up/down without changing the selection. |
Adds one page up/down from the current row to the selection. |
Expands the entire subtree, starting from the current cell. Can also be used to expand Viewpoints. |
What is your favorite Navisworks Freedom 2020 hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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